Austria/Slovenia – Donnersdorfer Radfahrbrücke (connecting Apače and Halbenrain)
For the 4th time now the “Amazon of Europe” Day will be celebrated in the TBR MDD. The event will take place on July, 10th 2016 and as in the previous years, the BIG JUMP will be the highlight of the day. The BIG JUMP celebrates the beauty of healthy rivers and highlights the value of nature in the future 5-country Transboundary UNESCO Biosphere Reserve “Mura-Drava-Danube”.
Organised by WWF AT and local partners it’ll be a day to remember: there will be locally prodced food and drinks, some folklore music, stalls to get some information about nature conservation and – of course – the Big Jump at 3pm local time. The kick-off of the event will be marked by some interesting speeches and to find out more, please have a look at the flyer below: