LIFE RESTORE FOR MDD Restoration Measures

The LIFE RESTORE for MDD project includes two main categories of restoration activities: River Restoration and Forest Restoration. These actions are designed to work synergistically to address the complex needs of habitat types 91E0* (alluvial forests) and 91F0 (riparian mixed forests) across the TBR MDD.

River restoration measures can be further divided into those that focus on restoring river morphology and those that focus on connecting and restoring side channels and oxbows.

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River morphology restoration (4 sites)

These measures aim to restore natural hydro-morphodynamic processes for sediment mobilisation and pioneer habitat creation. The aim is to implement measures to restore and promote natural lateral erosion and sedimentation processes in the river channel for the creation of pioneer habitats (gravel and sand banks). These habitats are crucial for the natural regeneration of HT 91E0*.

The supply of bedload by lateral erosion will also counteract the deepening of the river bed and thus improve the hydrological connection of the river with the adjacent alluvial forest HT 91E0* and HT 91F0. Artificial embankments will be removed and the river bed widened to initiate side erosion processes. This will mobilise significant amounts of gravel and sand, creating new habitats and improving conditions downstream.


  • Sulzbach-Mouth riverbed widening (AT)
    Removal of 420 m of artificial embankment and relocation further inland to allow the river to widen naturally, creating habitats such as erosive banks and gravel bars. This will improve 5 ha of floodplain forest habitat, mobilise 30,000 m3 of sediment and improve groundwater conditions.
    Location: Mura River, Municipality of Halbenrain, Austria | Partners: STMK, RMSO, WWF-AT
  • Konjišče 2 riverbed widening (SI)
    Removal of 1,200 m of embankment and relocation 100-130 m inland to allow natural widening of the Mura riverbed, creating dynamic habitats. This will improve 43.4 ha of floodplain forest habitat, mobilise 402,000 m3 of sediment and enhance hydrological conditions for adjacent forests.
    Location: Mura River near Spodnje Konjišče, Municipality Apače, Slovenia | Partners: SWA, IRSNC, SiDG, WWF-AT
  • Mele riverbed widening (SI)
    Removal of 1,370 m of bank protection and relocation 100-120 m inland to allow natural widening of the Mura riverbed, creating dynamic habitats. This will improve 36.9 ha of floodplain forest habitat, mobilise 477,000 m3 of sediment and improve hydrological conditions for adjacent forests.
    Location: Mura River near Mele, Municipality Gornja Radgona, Slovenia | Partners: SWA, IRSNC, SiDG
  • Hrastje Mota 2 riverbed widening (SI)
    Removal of 433 m of bank protection and relocation 50m inland to allow natural widening of the Mura riverbed, creating dynamic habitats. This will improve 6.9 ha of floodplain forest habitat, mobilise 57,000 m3 of sediment and enhance hydrological conditions for adjacent forests.
    Location: Mura River near Hrastje Mota, Municipality Radenci, Slovenia | Partners: SWA, IRSNC, WWF-AT
Side channel and oxbow restoration (14 sites)

These measures aim to improve lateral connectivity and water level dynamics between the river and the floodplain. The aim is to implement measures to improve water inflow and natural water dynamics in side channels that are disconnected from the natural river flow or where the connection to the rivers is limited.

Artificial embankments and sediments will be removed or guiding structures will be improved at the entrance to side channels. Some side channels and streams in floodplain forests will be lengthened. These measures will increase water supply and groundwater infiltration in the adjacent floodplains, which will have a positive impact on the hydrological conditions for HT 91E0* and HT 91F0.


  • Mühlbach – side channel improvement (AT)
    Adaptation and extension of the existing intake structure at the mouth of the Mur-Mühlbach by 48 m to ensure water supply during low water periods. This will improve hydrological conditions for 317 ha of floodplain forest habitat and 15 ha of water body in the Mühlbach.
    Location: Mura River near Mureck, Austria | Partners: STMK, WWF-AT, RMSO
  • Drauchenbach – alluvial creek restoration (AT)
    Reactivation of a 1.7 km stretch of the river through the construction of a dotation structure and partial excavation. This will improve 29 ha of floodplain forest habitat, create 1 ha of new water body and improve fish passage between the Mura and Drauchenbach.
    Location: Near Sicheldorf, Austria | Partners: STMK, WWF-AT, RMSO
  • Benica side channel restoration (SI)
    Removal of sediments from a 200 m long, 20 m wide inflow section of a 1.9 km long side channel to reconnect it to the Mura. This will improve hydrological conditions for 44 ha of floodplain forest habitat and 4 ha of water body.
    Location: Mura River near Benica, Municipality Lendava, Slovenia | Partners: SWA, IRSNC
  • Orlovo selište side channel reconnection (HR)
    Removal of embankments at the entrance and exit of a 1.9 km long side channel to reconnect it with the Drava. This will improve hydrological conditions for 33 ha of floodplain forest habitat and 4 ha of water body.
    Location: Drava River near Orlovo selište, Municipality Lukač, Croatia | Partners: HV, JU VP, GO
  • Drávatamási side channel reconnection (HU)
    Improvement of a 950 m side channel connection to the Drava by removing parts of the embankment at the inflow. This will improve hydrological conditions for 11 ha of floodplain forest habitat and 2 ha of water body.
    Location: Drava River near Drávatamási, Hungary | Partners: DDNPI, WWF-HU
  • Tótújfalu side channel reconnection (HU)
    Reconstruction of the inlet and removal of a closing dyke to improve water flow in a 980 m long side channel of the Drava. This will improve hydrological conditions for 10 ha of floodplain forest habitat and 2 ha of water body.
    Location: Drava River near Tótújfalu, Hungary | Partner: DDNPI
  • Monoštorski rit side channel extension and improvement (RS)
    Construction of an 8.6 km channel, improvement of 3.7 km of existing channel, restoration of an oxbow, and installation of sluices to improve hydrological conditions. This will benefit 950 ha of floodplain forest habitat and 7 ha of water body.
    Location: Danube River near Bezdan, Serbia | Partner: VSUME 
  • Gradišče oxbow lake restoration (SI)
    Dredging of a dried out oxbow lake to a depth of around 1 m over a length of 350 m and a width of 15 m. This will improve hydrological conditions for 13 ha of floodplain forest habitat and 1.5 ha of water body.
    Location: Mura River near Tropovci, Municipality Tišina, Slovenia | Partners: SWA, IRSNC
  • Bodzás oxbow lake restoration (HU)
    Reconnection of an oxbow lake to the Mura through the construction of four inflow ditches totalling 484 m in length. This will improve hydrological conditions for 28 ha of floodplain forest habitat and 3 ha of water body.
    Location: Mura River near Letenye, Hungary | Partner: BfNPI
  • Hosszúvíz oxbow lake restoration (HU)
    Reconnection of an oxbow lake to the Mura through the construction of inflow and outflow ditches totalling 508 m. This will improve hydrological conditions for 54 ha of floodplain forest habitat and 8 ha of water body.
    Location: Mura River near Letenye, Hungary | Partner: BfNPI
  • Tótszerdahely oxbow lake restoration (HU)
    Connection of an oxbow lake to a nearby stream through the construction of a 365 m ditch and an underwater weir. This will improve hydrological conditions for 15 ha of floodplain forest habitat and 12 ha of water body.
    Location: Mura River near Tótszerdahely, Hungary | Partner: BfNPI
  • Drávaszentes complex habitat restoration (HU)
    Deepening of two temporary ponds to increase water retention and removal of invasive tree species. This will improve the ecological quality of 10 ha of floodplain forest habitat and create 3 ha of improved water body.
    Location: Drava River near Barcs, Hungary | Partner: DDNPI
  • Bjelobrdska oxbow lake restoration (HR)
    Dredging of 5.5 km of oxbow lake to restore 65 ha of water. This will improve hydrological conditions for 193 ha of floodplain forest habitat.
    Location: Drava River, Aljmaški rit floodplain, Croatia | Partners: HV, FAZOS, GO
  • Báta oxbow lake restoration (HU)
    Construction of a bottom weir, dredging and repair of an existing sluice to improve water retention in a 10 km oxbow lake. This will improve hydrological conditions for 175 ha of floodplain forest habitat and 53 ha of water body.
    Location: Danube River near Báta, Hungary | Partner: DDNPI
Forest restoration measures (11 sites)

These measures will focus on the restoration and maintenance of floodplain forest structures and functions. Appropriate measures will be implemented to ensure that the ecological quality and structure of HT 91E0* and HT 91F0 riparian forests, and thus their conservation status in the project area, is maintained and improved where necessary.

This includes the conversion of poplar plantations to native riparian forests, the creation of genetically diverse and autochthonous plant availability for long-term restoration actions, the exclusion of ecologically important riparian forest sites through land purchase, and the removal of invasive alien species (IAS) in riparian forests. These actions aim to improve ecological connectivity, reduce habitat fragmentation and support natural regeneration of target habitats.


  • Preservation and reproduction HT 91E0* and HT 91F0 tree species (SI)
    Identification and reproduction of resilient ash and elm trees (Fraxinus angustifolia and Ulmus laevis) to establish a gene bank and seedling stock. This will ensure the long-term preservation of the natural floodplain forest composition.
    Location: Mura floodplain, Slovenia | Partners: SiDG, IRSNC
  • Restoration of HT 91E0* (SI)
    Conversion of 10 ha of non-native tree species plantations into native floodplain forest habitat by replacing invasive species with key native species suitable for habitat type 91E0*.
    Location: Mura floodplain, Slovenia | Partners: SiDG, IRSNC
  • Restoration of HT 91F0 (SI)
    Conversion of 9 ha of non-native tree plantations to native floodplain forest habitat type 91F0, plus testing of natural regeneration methods using animal grazing on 1 ha.
    Location: Mura floodplain, Slovenia | Partners: SiDG, IRSNC
  • Purchase of land with most valuable habitats (SI)
    Purchase of 20 ha of private land with valuable floodplain forest habitat, which will be permanently set aside to ensure the preservation of natural hydro-morphological processes.
    Location: Mura floodplain, Slovenia | Partners: IRSNC, SWA, SiDG
  • Proposal for establishment of protected areas (SI)
    Preparation of expert proposals for the establishment of at least 3 small scale protected areas totalling at least 80 ha in the Natura 2000 area in Slovenia.
    Location: Mura floodplain, Slovenia | Partners: IRSNC, SWA, SiDG
  • Hlapičina forest IAS removal (HR)
    Removal of the invasive species Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) and giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) from 37 ha of floodplain forest to improve the condition of habitat type 91E0*.
    Location: Mura River near Hlapičina, Croatia | Partner: JU MP
  • Purchase of land with most valuable habitats (HR)
    Purchase of 20 ha of private land with valuable floodplain forest habitat, which will be permanently set aside to ensure the preservation of natural hydro-morphological processes.
    Location: Mura floodplain, Croatia | Partners: WWF-AT, JU MP, HV
  • Drava forest park IAS removal (HR)
    Improve forest condition and biodiversity by removing invasive species from 85 ha of forest, partly of habitat type 91E0*.
    Location: Drava River, Varaždin, Croatia | Partner: JU ZDP VZ
  • Drava-Mura confluence IAS removal (HR)
    Removal of invasive species from 20 ha of floodplain forest and surrounding area to improve the condition of habitat type 91E0*.
    Location: Near Legrad, Croatia | Partner: JU KKZ
  • Monoštor forest restoration (RS)
    Conversion of 26.5 ha of poplar plantations to native floodplain forest habitat type 91F0 using seedlings of autochthonous oak and ash.
    Location: Danube River, near Bezdan, Serbia | Partner: VSUME
  • Donje Međimurje floodplain meadow restoration (HR)
    Purchase and restoration of 4 ha of wet meadows and forest galleries, including removal of bushes and shrubs, to improve the mosaic landscape of meadows and floodplain forest habitats.
    Location: Mura River near Goričan, Croatia | Partner: JU MP

Project partners

Coordinating Beneficiary: WWF-Austria

Further project partners:

  • IRSNC – Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation
  • DDNPI – Duna-Dráva National Park Directorate
  • WWF-Hungary
  • SWA – Slovenian Water Agency
  • GO – Association for Nature and Environment protection Green Osijek
  • HV – Croatian Waters, Legal entity for water management
  • FAZOS – University of Osijek, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences
  • STMK – Office of the Styrian Government, Department 14 Water Management, Resources and Sustainability
  • JU VP – Public Institution for the management of protected parts of nature and the ecological network of Virovitica-Podravina County
  • VSUME – Public Enterprise ‘Vojvodinašume’ Petrovaradin
  • SiDG – Slovenian State Forests Ltd.
  • RMSO – Regional Management of Southeast Styria.Styrian Volcano Land
  • JU KKZ – Public Institution for Management of Protected Natural Areas in the Koprivnica-Križevci County
  • JU ZDP VZ – Public institution for the management of the protected parts of nature in Varaždin County
  • JU MP – Međimurje Nature – Public Institution for Nature Protection
  • BfNPI – Balaton-felvidéki National Park Directorate